Your Wedding Ceremony

Your wedding day is about the two of you!

This is why I create ceremonies several ways, it is all dependent on what you want.

I can write a ceremony from scratch that reflects your story, your personalities and your preferences.

I have a booklet that I have written: You can highlight any wording you might love and I can incorporate these words and ideas into your ceremony.

For some couples though: this is not what they want, so I also have some pretty, thoughtful and engaging ceremonies pre written that we can use if this is your preference.

I welcome participation by others in the ceremony such as reading a loved poem, hand-fasting, sand ceremonies etcetera.

My goal is to help you to have a ceremony that is meaningful, relaxed and memorable and exactly as you want.

Your ceremony can be short and sweet or longer: it is your wedding your way and the length is up to you.

I am happy to keep working on the ceremony until you are happy with it and send me an email saying, no further changes are needed: because it is perfect!


I am happy to attend a wedding rehearsal to help prepare for the ceremony.  If no rehearsal is required then I always request for a meeting at the ceremony site, to make sure I set up in the right place and if I am providing table and chairs that this is also in the location you are wanting.

Your Vows

The booklet I have written is full of ideas about vows to help you write your own or you might like to choose more traditional vows from the many examples. I help couples to have vows that are real, meaningful and relevant to who you are as individuals and as a couple.